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User Experience Design (UX)

In collaboration with our design, strategy and development teams, our UX practitioners paint a complete picture that spans not only your digital products but all channels that create the entire customer experience.

User Experience (UX) design is the practice of understanding human behaviour and applying that knowledge to solve problems through design.

UX includes all interactions with a company, including its services. This is why Luminary’s UX practice encompasses Service Design and CX. (For a guide to these terms, check out this article by our UX Director, Josh Smith: Demystifying industry terminology.)

UX is fundamentally a Human-Centred Design practice, bringing to life solutions that meet human needs. Our process, therefore, dedicates time spent with the people we are designing for so that we may explore their needs, emotions and behaviours – rational or otherwise. The insights we gather ensure that the products and services we bring to life are innovative and create measurable change.

We have designed our process to enable our clients to make informed, evidence-based decisions before committing to final design execution and build. Iteration and user testing ensure our products are finely tuned, down to the smallest of details and interactions. This early and often feedback on low-cost rapid prototypes creates velocity in our process, reducing tunnel vision and sunk cost on bad ideas. 

Once built, products remain living and breathing and we treat them as such. Through continuous support and collaboration with our data and technical teams, we grow and optimise them to meet your business objectives.

If you’re hoping to understand your customers, find answers to nagging questions or take your product to the next level, our UX design agency can support you. To find out more about our team get in touch or meet our UX Director.

How we create the best experiences

When we first meet, we ask a lot of questions to work out what activities and services will be most beneficial to your particular situation. These services will likely be a mixture of those outlined below:

Desktop research and data review

A lot can be done with what has already been learnt. SEO, data analytics, market reports and prior research all inform our work. At the start of every project, we’ll take on your existing data and work with our cross-functional team to uncover every piece of evidence we can. Learn more about our digital strategy services.

Expert (heuristic) review

A process that takes as little as 3-5 days, an expert review can be an excellent first step into UX. An expert review is an analysis of where your digital assets stand in relation to best practices. Using long-established principles and heuristics we evaluate your existing product and create a prioritised backlog of improvements. 

UX research and customer interviews 

Interviews, observation and surveys are designed to uncover insights into user behaviours and motivations. There are many methods by which we may research customer behaviour. Contextual inquiry, diary studies and observations are three such qualitative methods that allow us to discover how they think and make sense of the world.

Journey maps and personas 

We use insights from research to document your customers’ behaviours and how they interact with your products and services. These resulting visuals provide a practical blueprint for delivery and guidelines for how to interact across channels with your customers.

Workshop facilitation

Either as part of a broader project or a stand-alone activity, we conduct ideation workshops, co-design sessions and design thinking training. These sessions broaden our thinking and act as the stepping stone from research insights to designed solutions.

Prototyping and user testing

Low-fidelity interactive designs that serve as a low-cost testing ground for new products and ideas. We test wireframes with prospective users to evaluate our ideas through a series of defined tasks. This can be done in person or online with as few as five participants, as 85% of usability problems can be found in this small sample size.

Information Architecture (IA)

Effective IA is about organising, labelling and structuring content so that it is intuitive and logical. We use analytics data, SEO and content recommendations as well as stakeholder and customer input to create an IA. Always seeking to validate our work, the IAs we create are tested for efficiency through online task-based user testing.

Behavioural design

Humans make a lot of decisions. Many we believe to be conscious and rational when oftentimes this isn’t true. By acknowledging the biases that are common in behaviour, we map the behaviour we wish to change and create shortcuts and design patterns that lead to better decision making and healthier habits. 

Lean UX

Sometimes we just need to start designing to find an answer. Lean UX allows teams to be truly agile, making informed assumptions about the features our customers need and using regular user testing to validate them. This method of product development requires a great deal of trust and comfort in ambiguity, and can be leveraged to complete either a single part or an entire project. 

Service Design

A product does not function in a vacuum. The best apps and websites we interact with are supported by the services, physical touchpoints, technology, processes, business models and people that enable them. To deliver a truly exceptional experience, this often invisible ‘behind the curtain’ layer is included in the research and design process. 

Customer Experience Design (CX)

We look holistically at a customer’s interactions with a company's brand, including its marketing and advertising. By ensuring all touchpoints are measurable and consistent with a company's personality, tone, values and beliefs, we ensure your customers have the right experience throughout their relationship.

Design sprint

Kickstart your innovation with a design sprint. The sprint is a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design. Developed by Google Ventures, it's an accelerated five-day UX process, including business strategy, design thinking, prototyping and testing.

Our UX expertise

Key people and musings from our blog

Josh Smith

Josh Smith

UX Director

Josh leads our UX practice, building a deep understanding of our clients' needs through human-centred design.

Emma Andrews

Emma Andrews

Strategy Director

As Strategy Director, Emma's primary task is to ask lots of questions of our clients and transform the responses into a blueprint for success.

Dr Marnie Crook

Dr Marnie Crook

UX Researcher

Driven by natural curiosity, Marnie excels in identifying and solving problems to help people and organisations achieve their goals.

Dean Berlingeri

Dean Berlingeri

Senior UX Designer

Dean has deep experience in human-centred design practices, facilitating workshops, and iterative prototyping.

Mark MacSmith

Mark MacSmith

Lead Digital Strategist

Mark oversees the digital strategy for major digital experience projects.

UX Is Not Optional

6 min read

Why UX is not optional

UX isn’t just about how things look, it’s about how end users think and engage with a digital experience. Even a modest investment in UX will pay dividends in terms of usability, engagement and performance.

Josh Smith
Josh Smith

22 September 2016

6 minute read

Luminary UX workshop

6 min read

Demystifying UX and industry terminology

Too often UX is made to sound overly technical and confusing. This is troubling because UX is about understanding the human experience and making it simpler...

Josh Smith
Josh Smith

11 October 2021

6 minute read

ux agency luminary

8 min read

UX: The art and science of problem solving

User Experience is brought to life by an interface. But the core of UX has less to do with pixels and more to do with finding and solving a human problem.

Josh Smith
Josh Smith

28 October 2021

8 minute read

6 min read

How understanding human mental models drives better UX design

Josh Smith, UX Director at Luminary, explains why the user experience is different for every person and how understanding mental models dramatically improves UX design.

Josh Smith
Josh Smith

25 May 2021

6 minute read

Emma presenting roadmap strategy session

6 min read

Luminary is increasing its offering in Strategy, UX and Human Centred Design

We have been steadily building up our team and capabilities to expand our capacity to offer a holistic and integrated approach to delivering unique, powerful and category-leading digital experiences.

Cristina Ghioghiu
Cristina Ghioghiu

19 July 2021

6 minute read

Students working together looking over a computer

9 min read

What happens when a digital agency and a university partner up?

Over the past year, Luminary’s Directors of Design, UX and Strategy – Thom Bransom, Josh Smith and Emma Andrews – have been working to establish a university partnership to give the next generation of specialists a window into their future careers.

Josh Smith
Josh Smith&Emma Andrews

18 January 2022

9 minute read

Check out the handy resources below for downloadable guides, checklists and templates to help you achieve your digital goals.

An image of a digital device with logos of various apps overlaid

8 min read

How to choose the right CMS

You’ve decided you need a new Content Management System – but where do you start in deciding which one to go with? Here, we distill our learnings over the past two decades of advising clients on choosing digital platforms. We’ve even included a downloadable comparison matrix for you to rank contending CMS or DXP options.

Adam Griffith
Adam Griffith

29 July 2022

8 minute read

Toolbox with a number of digital apps and tools inside

9 min read

Building a martech stack

Selecting a martech stack can be overwhelming. The right mix of products can be the make or break of an organisation’s digital strategy. Here, we share our insights and tips from many years of assisting clients with this daunting task. We also include our downloadable Martech Audit Matrix for you to audit your existing stack.

Adam Griffith
Adam Griffith

29 March 2022

9 minute read

Digital Roadmap

6 min read

How to create a digital strategy roadmap

A good strategic roadmap not only outlines what you want to achieve with your digital strategy, but sets out the detail of how you're going to get there. Here we provide guidance on how to do it, along with a downloadable Digital Roadmap Toolkit.

Liam Thomas
Liam Thomas

01 February 2019

6 minute read

Laptop screen showing Google analytics page with coffee cup in the background

5 min read

How to perform a website audit

Conducting a website audit sounds like a really big, scary, time-consuming chore, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve simplified the task for you with six key areas to assess – along with a downloadable checklist full of useful questions, tips and tools.

Adam Griffith
Adam Griffith

20 April 2018

5 minute read

Brief Digital Agency

6 min read

How to brief a digital agency

Whether you’re briefing your existing agency or inviting new agencies to respond to a request for proposal, there are certain ‘rules of the game’ that will help you drive the best possible result. This blog post features a downloadable digital agency briefing template to help you get off on the right foot.

Liam Thomas
Liam Thomas

24 February 2017

6 minute read

Image of a statue head with microservices icons coming out of it

Everything you need to know if you're considering migrating your website from a traditional CMS to a headless CMS.

Cartoon-style image of a woman interacting with a product interface

A Guide to Digital Product Design

Everything you need to know if you're considering developing and launching a digital product.

Content Audit

5 min read

Why conducting a content audit is essential

Performing a content audit is a crucial step in optimising a website's performance. It can help identify outdated or irrelevant content, identify content gaps, improve SEO efforts, enhance user experience, and save time and resources.

Victoria Whatmore
Victoria Whatmore

31 July 2023

5 minute read

Want to know more?

We have a whole team of experts who would love to talk to you.

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