Search engine optimisation (SEO)

SEO is one of several key practices in our Strategy offering, working alongside analytics, UX, content and development to create digital experiences that shine, grow your organic reach and help you connect with more customers.

SEO is the process of making your website and digital assets more findable in organic search, the most common way people discover brands, services and products.

But its benefits go beyond simply attracting eyeballs and driving traffic – and it all starts with search data. 

Mining search data through deep keyword research has the potential to unlock powerful insights, such as customer pain points, page and content ideas, and opportunities for new products and services, among other benefits.

Key opportunities for involving SEO:

Discovery projects – At Luminary, we respect the insights that search data can offer and use them early and often as part of our Discovery process, in tandem with stakeholder workshops, audits, competitor analysis and user interviews.

Website migrations – Migrations often include changes to code, content and URLs, which can pose a risk to organic search success. We follow a comprehensive process that includes benchmarking, technical SEO uplift and QA, content planning and optimisation, and redirect mapping to ensure no SEO equity is lost.

Content strategies – Rethinking your content? Our SEO specialists work alongside content strategists to help you make sense of why content is/isn’t working, uncover competitor gaps, and define what content you need and whether any internal SEO training is needed to lift your game. 

Continuous improvement – Build in processes and activities to grow your organic search presence over time. Our managed services activities can include ongoing reporting, SEO, content, UX, training and technical consultancy to investigate, learn and improve over time.

Our SEO services

We deliver SEO services as part of a broader collective of digital strategy practices, working collaboratively to share findings, opportunities and strategic ideas that move the needle.

SEO audits

SEO audits help uncover your website’s current state of SEO set-up by comparing it to best practice implementation. This includes your technical set-up, keyword targeting and on-page optimisation, and what off-site SEO trust and authority signals you’re sending. Through an audit, we’ll unlock quick wins you can tackle now, as well as broader opportunities for consideration.

Search insights

We use keyword research both during our Discovery process as well as for ongoing content planning and strategic ideation. We’ll deep dive into how people search for your brand, products/services and industry vertical to find opportunities for pages and content, language nuances, demand for new products and services, and more.

Competitor assessments

When it comes to organic search results, the sites you compete against could be your direct competitors or search-specific competitors. Our SEO experts will review both and identify what’s working well for competitors and what it might take to surpass them.

SEO strategy

Our SEO consultants will consider all research and data inputs completed to date, including audits, keyword opportunities and competitor intel, to create a prioritised and actionable SEO program of work designed to help you achieve your brand and business goals.

Content optimisation

We make your content work harder by better aligning your SEO tags, headings and body copy, images, videos and app store listings with the language your customers use when searching. 

Ongoing SEO management

SEO is a long game, and once your site is live, we offer ongoing optimisation services like monthly reporting, competitor monitoring, technical updates, content ideation and optimisation, off-site SEO support and training to help you stay on top of algorithm updates.

Check out the handy resources below for downloadable guides, checklists and templates to help you achieve your digital goals.

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Why conducting a content audit is essential

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