BNR Snooze

Snooze gains customer insight with Kentico EMS & A/B testing

Learn how Snooze is utilising Kentico EMS and A/B testing to better understand and engage its customers.

Andy Thompson

30 September 2014

3 minute read

This month saw the launch of a refreshed Snooze website that delivered the next step in the Snooze digital strategy. Changes included a site-wide look and feel refresh, a completely redesigned home page, the ability to apply A/B and multivariant testing using Kentico EMS, and a better user experience across a broader range of devices.

Driven by the primary business driver of increasing engaged users and thus increasing the likelihood of people buying in store, Snooze looked for ways to leverage the home page. As with most retailers, the priority for Snooze is to engage and convert.

For Snooze, digital interactions are really a conversion challenge - once someone hits the site and in particular the new home page, are they more likely to buy from Snooze than when they started? Are they engaged?  The challenge for Snooze is both how to engage visitors, and how to tell if they’ve been successful.

Luminary’s approach to the site refresh and homepage redesign centred around these key goals:

A better (engaged) user experience


The new homepage needed to provide a better user experience for a broader range of devices that have come out since the last site design, with a heavy focus on iPads and iPhones. It needed to deliver a better experience on mobile, as well as a better experience on larger monitors. The result is an even more responsive experience that makes better use of the screen space available across all devices.

A more flexible content management framework


We wanted to create a home page that could more easily evolve and change with the promotional requirements of Snooze, product changes and seasonal updates. The panel-based approach Luminary designed gives Snooze the ability to very easily design a new panel for a new product, category, promotion etc, and easily get that onto the home page in whatever position it requires.

A system to track what works, and what doesn't


Snooze wanted to understand what was most engaging for visitors and when. We designed A/B tests using Kentico EMS around different versions of the homepage, each with its own focus. This allowed Snooze to test the effectiveness of pricing led campaigns vs feature led campaigns vs product led campaigns, helping them identify what really drives engaged visitors and how best to target them.

Why invest further in a website and home page that was already working well?

To begin with, 24% of the site’s traffic, on average, goes through the Snooze home page. That doesn’t include the additional home page visits for those who have gone direct to promotional offers or tools on the site. 

The homepage does a significant proportion of the heavy lifting on the site, and needs to be as effective as possible at supporting the objectives of the digital strategy. Given this high percentage of direct traffic, its makes a lot of sense to invest in updating a single page versus spreading the investment thin across the whole site.

It’s too soon to tell how this new home page and site refresh will influence the Snooze digital strategy and future website projects. However by focusing on the right data to gather, and investing in a design and build that enables that data to be easily collected, Snooze are building a solid foundation for ensuring all future decisions are based on the valuable insights available to them.

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