Life-space site on mobile

Life-Space Probiotics

Since 2012, Life-Space has been creating premium probiotic formulations and encouraging Australians to understand the importance of supporting good microbiological health. Having previously existed predominantly in Australia, Life-Space expanded into New Zealand and China to become a leading global probiotic brand.

Living innovation screen

The challenge

In order to rebrand and launch its product globally, leading probiotic brand Life-Space needed a way to reach new target markets. The brand already had a presence in Australia and parts of China and Europe, however its existing website was limited in its capacity to target a wide range of consumers and cater for further global expansion. Life-Space also needed a strong go-to-market strategy for its targeted launches into China and New Zealand.

Life-Space is passionate about educating people about the importance of supporting a healthy microbiome and how their daily lifestyle choices can influence this. They strive to be the leaders in this emerging science.

Life-Space needed a website that would effectively promote both its products and its message.

Life-space on laptop

What we did

Together with Hardhat, who undertook the strategy and design components of the project, Luminary delivered two sites to Life-Space: one, a global site catering to multiple markets, and the other being a dedicated site for China specifically crafted to suit the strict requirements of the Chinese content firewall.

The global site covers the company’s primary market (Australia) and is configured to facilitate rapid global expansion as the brand continues to activate worldwide. The website is multi-lingual and multi-regional, making it easily expandable to new markets. Each of the international sites is also available in multiple languages, which are professionally translated to ensure delivery of the greatest possible experience to all users.

With an emphasis on the Australian market, Luminary built an Australian storefinder into the site so customers can find out where to buy Life-Space products. The site is also e-commerce enabled with an improved flow to purchase, allowing Australian customers to purchase products online. Content and products on the site are mapped, ensuring users can discover products through experiential means, or transactional means (traditional listing and filtering). We have made sure that everyone in Life-space’s diverse customer base can find the information and products that are right for them.

The clean and intuitive interface enables visitors to find information on how probiotics can benefit their particular life stage, learn general health tips, locate a stockist and purchase products online. Finally, if anyone needs assistance on the site during operational hours, there is a live chat feature to help customers in real time.

We created the New Zealand site to have its own domain, language, geolocation based personalisation, and commerce catalogue. The content is tailored especially to help New Zealand customers find a store (physical or online) from which they can buy their favourite Life-space products.

The Chinese site

The information that’s displayed on the Chinese site had to meet strict regulatory requirements. For this reason, we had to create a feature using personalisation and geolocation that notifies the user when they’re not on the Chinese site anymore. If they redirect to the global site, they are notified. The site required an ICP licence to be commissioned and installed as well as provisioning of a Cloudflare CDN in China, and removal of all third party libraries which reference blocked services such as Google. The China-focused site displays all content in simplified Chinese.

Life-space on mobiles

The result

In the first six months following launch, the global site achieved a 300% growth in 'Find a stockist' enquiries, a 12% increase in organic traffic, an 80% increase in customers contacting Life-Space Probiotics via the Contact Us form, a 60% increase in goal conversion rates, a 70% increase in mobile visitors (a reflection of the new site’s mobile responsiveness), and a 32% reduction in page load time. Comparing the four months prior to the four months after launch of the new site, there was a 10.22% increase in sessions a 10.72% increase in page views, and a 7.06% increase in average session duration.

Optimisation for any site running in China is a major challenge. In this case, we had to perform speed and latency tests for more than 20 regions within China, as well as extending Episerver DXC (Cloud) product to operate to some extent independently behind the firewall. Our performance optimisation program resulted in page load times in China exceeding what was possible for the global site. 

Launching a new global website across five regions and three languages meant we needed a partner agency that could help us navigate the various complexities and requirements across the board. Partnering with Luminary, we were able to work with a group of experienced digital experts and be guided through a robust development process to ensure we delivered an online hub that catered to all the business requirements and provided a consistent brand experience.

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