Andy the legend

Kentico MVP Awarded to Luminary CTO, Andy Thompson

We are proud to have the only Kentico MVP in Australia leading our team

Adam Griffith

02 March 2015

5 minute read

We are very proud to announce today that Andy Thompson, Director and CTO of Luminary, has been awarded Kentico MVP. The Kentico Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) program recognises individuals around the world that promote and support Kentico to an evangelical level, as well as exhibiting a very high degree of competency with the product. 

Andy joins an elite group of Kentico professionals, with only three other Kentico MVPs worldwide - Jeroen Fürst from The Netherlands, Brian McKeiver from the USA, and Ilesh Mistry from England. Bryan Soltis, a long-time Kentico MVP from the USA, recently joined Kentico as their new Technical EvangelistThis means Andy is the only Kentico MVP in Australia. 

Andy has been working with Kentico for many years and leads our award-winning team of Kentico developers. This award and recognition not only highlights the hard work and commitment of Andy to the Kentico community, but also the wider team of Kentico developers at Luminary who support Andy and our clients with their Kentico expertise.

On behalf of Marty, myself and the entire Luminary team, congratulations and well done Andy! You deserve it! 

The complete media release from Kentico has been included below. 

Media Release: Kentico Adds New MVP to Company’s Most Valuable Professionals

Nashua, New Hampshire, USA, March 2, 2015 – Kentico Software, the web content and Customer Experience Management provider, announced today a new addition to the Kentico Most Valuable Professional program, which recognises individuals for exceptional community participation and evangelistic activities in the CMS and .NET communities.

The newest addition to the Kentico MVP program is Andy Thompson, CTO at Luminary, an Australian-based digital agency that has been creating digital experiences for some of the biggest names in Australian government, retail and the corporate sector since 1999. With smartphone penetration in Australia among the world’s very highest, optimising the mobile experience and offering a consistent customer experience across all devices is a common critical factor for the websites Luminary develops and one of the reasons why the agency chose Kentico as its CMS solution of choice. 

Andy Thompson is being honoured for his exceptional ongoing contributions to the Kentico community and the passion that he consistently shows in helping customers succeed with their digital marketing needs. In addition to the blog he writes to help support Kentico users and evangelize Kentico, Andy tweets as @andythompy and is a regular speaker at the Kentico Connection conferences.

“Receiving accolades for a natural passion is just icing on the cake,” said Andy Thompson, CTO, Luminary. “I have been helping customers get the most out of Kentico since it was first introduced ten years ago. I’m very proud to have been able to work with such a wonderful team and their innovative technology as it continues to take digital marketing to places it’s never been.”
Kentico MVPs are selected from hundreds of Kentico experts located within any of the 90 countries where Kentico is used. To receive the Kentico MVP status, individuals can submit their application at the Kentico web site. These submissions are then reviewed by a board of Kentico executives.

“Good technology will get you nowhere without good people driving it, and Andy is one of those people,” said Oldrich Januska, VP Product, Kentico. “The passion he brings to each and every customer project is a marvel. No wonder Kentico and Luminary recently announced the launch of our 200th site together.” 

More information about the MVP Program can be found at:

About Luminary

Luminary is proud to have been creating digital experiences since 1999. With a portfolio of over 700 brands, including some of the of biggest names in Australian government, retail and corporate, the Luminary team’s knowledge and understanding of digital strategy is unmatched within the market. This expertise, mixed with a superior client engagement model is what sets Luminary apart from other digital agencies.

The Luminary team work hard to understand their clients’ individual needs - from discovery, design and development through to hosting and digital marketing. Moreover, Luminary’s core company values ensure that every project delivers a digital experience that truly matters - to the client, to their audience… and to the Luminary team. Whether it’s a site refresh, going mobile, extending into ecommerce or creating a fully responsive digital experience, Luminary pride themselves on crafting an approach that fits each client’s brand and delivers to their specific organizational objectives.

Luminary is also a dedicated hosting company and provides hosting services to over 1,000 clients. Luminary was appointed to the Victorian Government's eServices Panel in 2011.

About Kentico

Kentico brings smart integrated digital marketing to businesses of all sizes with a comprehensive suite of solutions. With Kentico’s Web Content Management, Online Marketing, E-commerce, Online Communities, and Intranet & Collaboration solutions, clients can deliver superior cross-channel customer experiences across all devices. Based on the Microsoft .NET platform, Kentico comes with 450 web parts and fully documented API and is available on-premise or in the cloud. Flexible, robust and scalable, Kentico delivers right-first-time technology, out-of-the-box speed, and affordable sophistication to help customers meet their goals faster and more profitably.

About Kentico Software

Founded in 2004, Kentico is headquartered in the Czech Republic with offices in the US, UK, and Australia. A Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with 1,100 digital agency partners, Kentico powers more than 18,000 websites in 90 countries. Customers include Bacardi; Great British Chefs; Gibson; Mazda; Microsoft; Mighty River Power; Run and Become; Sony; Vodafone.

All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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