Man and a dog looking out over a seaside town

Equip Super

Superannuation fund Equip Super needed a site that would be efficient to manage as well as providing a platform for future one-site personalisation. 

How We Helped:

Who We Helped:

The challenge

One of the biggest challenges was the high volume of information that needed to be housed on-site. The site also needed to be able to cater for different fund members with different levels of access to on-site content. Further, strict compliance requirements apply to superannuation so it was essential to have a way to ensure that information throughout the site would remain accurate and consistent.

Older couple sitting on a couch

The solution

Together with Hardhat Digital (who were responsible for strategy, design and frontend development), Luminary developed a site that would meet Equip’s current needs, as well as providing for future content personalisation requirements. 

To ensure ease of content administration, centrally managed data was set up for a range of content elements. So, rather than having to manually update each instance of data that is duplicated across the site, this can all now be managed from one place. This has proven invaluable for Equip in terms of saving time on administration and ensuring consistency throughout the site. 

Equip Super website on a laptop device
Back-end developer coding the Equip Super website

To help users comprehend technical content, there is a site-wide glossary that automatically brings up a tool tip containing the definition of a relevant term so the user can look up terms without having to leave the page. In addition, hidden information fields have been implemented to deliver certain content to specific member types.

Equip Super website on a tablet device
Working with Luminary and Kentico enabled us to develop and launch a new website on time and under budget. The modular structure and easy to use interface meant we could populate the content in record time while Luminary implemented highly technical investment services and functionality. Since launch we’ve seen the website’s engagement numbers spike across all key indicators, and have been empowered to pursue a range of business strategies and objectives.

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