Wahyu Anggara

Front End Developer

Wahyu is a self-professed wizard of web design, turning design into code and developing captivating user interfaces with the wave of his wand (keyboard).

Wahyu got his start in the agency scene as a Front End Developer designing custom WordPress themes. With expertise in CSS, Javascript, react.js and a growing interest in headless CMS, Wahyu has brought a wide experience base to Luminary's team of Front End Developers in Australia and Indonesia.

A career highlight for Wahyu was developing a micro-service app that allows e-commerce businesses to manage their shipping processes, and allowing one platform to transfer data to another one and eliminate manual processing.

Wahyu has a passion for music, cycling and meeting new friends. He is also known to custom-build keyboards so they are fit for purpose for his extensive skills.

Picture of Wahyu detail shot

Quick facts about Wahyu

Favourite emoji


Star sign


Chinese zodiac


Inspired by

His parents, for showing him how to be kind in this life, and how to be a more flexible person.

Fun fact

Wahyu's name is similarly pronounced as "how are you" if said quickly. Sometimes Wahyu will introduce himself to a native English speaker and they will respond with, "I am good"!

There's more where Wahyu came from

It takes a constellation of talents to create great experiences. Here are a few more of the stellar individuals that make Luminary shine.

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