The Mo-files

You may have noticed the menfolk of Luminary looking a little hairier than usual this month. That's because they've relinquished their razors in the name of fundraising – for men's health initiative Movember. Here, we profile the members of Team LuMOnary.

Tami Iseli

09 November 2018

2 minute read

It's definitely Mo-town this month at Luminary, as our 12-strong team of Movember Mo Bros have ditched their pride to cultivate their crumb-catchers. The general consensus is that the smart money is on Matt Stobo – aka 'StoMO' – to grow the most impressive lip foliage. (The fact that he had a five o'clock shadow by 11am on November 1 is a pretty good indication that the odds are firmly in his favour.) At least one of our Mo Bros who will remain nameless attempted to get a jump start on the competition in late October. However, after consultation of the Movember Rule Book, this was declared a false start and the said Bro was forced to return to the start line. 

So all of the Mo Bros you see below were certified clean-shaven as of the first day of November 2018. (Kudos to our intern Charlotte Halson for her brilliant design work 'reimagining' the Bros with their aspirational mo styles!) 

Read on for mo' info on the fine upstanding members of Team LuMOnary, starting with Team Captain Mark Price...

If you don't have time to get acquainted with our Mo Bros but you'd like to support them with a donation, here's a link to their fundraising page.

Mark 'Pricey' Price 

Movember alter ego: Mo' Money
MOtivation: For me it’s all about mental health. Everyone should be able to reach out to others for support if they are struggling, and getting involved in such a great campaign as Movember only promotes this further.
Target mo style: The Cowboy

Matt Stobo 

Movember alter ego: StoMO
MOtivation: I'm joining the team for Movember to help raise awareness and funds for men's health, which is a really important topic and relates directly to me! It's also a lot of fun.
Target mo style: The Tom Selleck

Chey Mose 

Movember alter ego: Chey MO
MOtivation: I'm doing Movember because it's classic and facial hair is funny to me. Also for men's issues, like 'sincerity', and prostate cancer – which killed my grandfather.
Target mo style: The Horseshoe

Thai Tran

MOtivation: Why am I doing Movember? Because prostate cancer in men is just as bad and common as breast cancer in women. Movember is a good way to raise awareness of men’s health issues and men’s suicide. It's also fun to do this with my good friends at Luminary.
Target mo style: The Horseshoe

Jase Watson

MOtivation: To raise awareness for men's health issues plus have a bit of fun by adding something slightly different to the day.
Target mo style: The Dali

Marty Drill

Movember alter ego: MOty
MOtivation: There is an old saying "We spend our health trying to gain our wealth. We then spend our wealth trying to regain our health". I believe that we should value health in the way that many people value money. I am growing a mo because health is urgent.
Target mo style: The Horseshoe

Abraham 'Bram' Yuwono

Movember alter ego: BraMO
MOtivation: For me, doing Movember is not only about mo-tivating other men to take care of themselves, but it’s also about doing something that takes me outside of my comfort zone.
Target mo style: The Johnny Depp

Andy Thompson

Movember alter ego: ThomMO
MOtivation: Mental health is a very important issue for me. It's touched my family, my friends, my colleagues, and myself. If I, as part of Team LuMOnary, can help raise awareness and funds, then it's more than a fair trade for looking silly for a few weeks!
Target mo style: The Tom Selleck

Yoki Satria

Movember alter ego: MOki
MOtivation: It was a personal challenge! I've never had long facial hair in my life. I'm questioning whether I can do it!
Target mo style: The Fu Manchu

Alastair Andrews

MOtivation: To help a great cause.
Target mo style: The Johnny Depp 

Kadek Nursetiyasa

MOtivation: Just for fun.
Target mo style: The Johnny Depp

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for regular mo-gress updates and happy snaps of our Movember happenings throughout the month. We'd be MOst chuffed if you'd like to support our team with a small donation. You can do this by heading on over to our fundraising page.

Post update

So here's our final Mo Bro line-up... Some of our team members were slightly more successful in their mo growing endeavours than others but a valiant effort was made by all. Most importantly, they managed to hit their target of raising $2000 for men's health (and counting)...


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