Logos for Cancer Council Australia, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Heart Foundation, Our Watch, Save the Children and UNICEF

Causes for Celebration campaign raises over $11,000 for charities

1 July 2020 was our 21st birthday. To celebrate, we traded canapés for a campaign to support our charity clients.

Tami Iseli

03 August 2020

2 minute read

Twenty-one years ago, Luminary came into being. Over that time we’ve worked a lot with charity and NFP clients. And this year, with donation rates plummeting and so many more people needing assistance due to the pandemic, our charity partners are going through a really challenging time. So we wanted to use our birthday as a reason to ‘pay it forward’.

That’s why we decided to donate $1000 in cash to each of the fantastic causes we work with: Cancer Council Australia, Fred Hollows Foundation, Heart Foundation, Our Watch, Save the Children, and UNICEF. We also committed to matching donations (including our own) to our ‘Causes for Celebration’ campaign with pro bono services. 

All of the funds donated to the campaign were split between the organisations – so with one single contribution, donors could support the critical work of all of our charity and NFP clients.

“We were planning to have a party to celebrate our 21st birthday but as we were not able to do that (due to Covid) we wanted to put the money towards these organisations, who are facing an extremely difficult economic situation,” says Luminary CEO Marty Drill.

“Causes to Celebrate gave us a way to do something really positive to mark the start of our 22nd year in operation by helping our clients while giving donors a way to double their impact through our services,” continues Drill. “It also gave people a way to support six fantastic causes with a single contribution, as all of the funds and services were distributed equally across the charities. It can be hard to decide which charity to support, especially when your own funds might be more limited than usual. This way people were able to make a difference to a range of organisations whose services are very much in need.”

With July now behind us, we have concluded our Causes for Celebration campaign, raising a total of $11,100 via our mycause.com.au fundraising page. To round that off, each charity partner has also received $2000 in digital services for new projects or initiatives, bringing the total value for each organisation to just over $3800.

Luminary would like to thank everyone who contributed to the campaign and for supporting our charity clients in this difficult time.

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