2009 Year in Review

2009 proved to be the most productive in our 10 year history. Perhaps we are similar to a fine wine or, maybe we're doing something right... We'll happily take the wine reference thank you!

Marty Drill

18 December 2009

2 minute read

We’ve had the pleasure to work with some great organisations and companies in 2009. But perhaps there was one project in particular that gave us the greatest sense of appreciation for what we do and helped reinforce our passion for the web. We would like express our deepest thanks to the Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission (VBRC) for giving us the opportunity to help provide access to the Black Saturday report. It was a profound experience for all involved. If you haven’t reviewed the report, do so now by clicking here.

Outside of our work with the VBRC, we were able to launch a record number of sites in 2009. Each site allowed us to demonstrate our increasing awesomeness. Here are a few that reflect the essence of who we are. They include:

•  curtisstone.com
•  canvasthis.com.au
•  kidspot.com.au
•  paulsadlerswimland.com
•  liv.asn.au
•  roymorganonlinestore.com

Apart from launching sites, we were also able to pick up a few awards along the way! The last thing we want to do is toot our own horn, but we're really proud of the work we do and its always nice to be recognised by your peers. We would like to congratulate the companies behind the sites, and our team members responsible for building them...

Best blog - Michael Grose 
Michael Grose’ blog was selected by smartcompany.com.au for its design and layout, which allows for a great reading experience. Congratulations again Michael!

Best swim school website - Paul Sadler's Swimland
Paul Sadler Swimland's website, paulsadlerswimland.com was selected by Swim Australia as the best overall swim website in the country. This is a great acheivment for the organisation - well done! Click here to read Lu's full post on the award.

Best Healthcare website - Birth.com.au
Kentico, our CMS partner, selected birth.com.au as the best health website in 2009 using the Kentico platform. This project has been one of the biggest achievements for Luminary in 2009 and we look forward to continuing expanding the site in 2010.

2009 was a great year for our team and we’re very much looking forward to another prosperous year in 2010. If it's anything like the last, we’re going to have our work cut out for us - but we’re certainly up for the challenge!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us!

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